Wednesday nights at 7 PM during the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
These classes are designed to help us be more Gospel-driven, Scripture-saturated, missional people. Our mission is discipleship, and growing spiritually is one way we can all be better disciples. Currently we offer classes in three main tracks: The Christian Life, Practical Living, and Biblical Worldview. The teachers are members of our pastoral staff as well as lay leaders in our church. We offer classes in the fall, winter, and spring that run ten weeks each. Past and current classes include classes on Spiritual Disciplines, Parenting, Stewardship, Marriage, Theology, and Christian Worldview. To enable whole-family discipleship, we also offer a nursery and a children’s class that runs any time there are SFCs happening at the church. The Gospel Project Kids Worship Hour is an extension of our Sunday School curriculum to help kids go deeper in learning about how the whole Bible points to Jesus. This is available for children from age 3 to 5th grade.